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Addressing & Preventing Potholes


Report a Pothole

The first priority for N.C. Department of Transportation maintenance crews is to patch potholes and other road defects that are safety concerns.

To patch a pothole, crews first clean out any pavement, gravel or water. They then fill it with new asphalt and compact it to roadway level.

Some patches last longer than others. One reason is that asphalt plants are closed in the winter and hot asphalt is not available. Crews typically use what is called a "cold mix," which does not always adhere to the surrounding pavement as well as hot asphalt does.

How NCDOT Prevents Potholes

NCDOT focuses on a proactive strategy to help prevent potholes.

During the warmer months, maintenance crews apply a thin overlay of asphalt to roads to keep them in good condition in cooler months. During the winter, crews seal existing cracks to keep out water.

These measures are cost effective because they help prevent problems that could ​​lead to more expensive repairs in the future.

Last updated Jul. 23, 2020